This blog will be used to journalize our life; it will also be used to help family members and friends keep up with our life. I hope that whoever reads, enjoys it; we all hope that you enjoy seeing life from our eyes.I am going post pictures from the begining to current so you all will have a view into how our story started.
I am a stay-at-home Mommy to our precious Ashleigh and I am working on my college degree, in healthcare administration, at the moment; life is busy. I created this blog to keep a journal of our lives.
A New Family Pic for the Old Blog!!!
Hi All!!! Everyone sure is growing up fast over here on our little farm!!
Life is good with no major changes lately!! :) Just enjoying life with 6
Our Christmas Card 2010
We wish you are your family a very Merry Christmas!!! 2010 has been a good
year for us. The picture on the far right bottom of our card is Callie
holding ...
Happy 5th Birthday Kayleigh
Happy Birthday Sweet Kayleigh :)
"Can you believe it's been five years? I remember the day you were born
more than any other day in my entire life. Th...
Park City Utah
When we first had babies, one of my dreams was that when they each turned
13 - I wanted to take them on a special trip - just them and Scott and I.
I wa...
Sam snuggles are the best kind of snuggles. I'm pretty sure having a baby
or toddler sleeping on or next to you is the happiest part of life. His
Manfaat Dan Khasiat Madu Bagi Kesehatan
Madu memiliki komponen kimia yang memiliki efek koligemik yakni
asetilkolin. Asetilkolin berfungsi untuk melancarkan peredaran darah dan
mengurangi tekanan...
Party to help Philip...
Most of you know that Philip is having a major operating in a few weeks. I
posted the details HERE. Please take a minute to read the details of his
Please pray for Kate!
Hello friends:
I'm asking today that you please lift up sweet Kate McRae in prayer. She
has just recently relapsed for the THIRD time with a brain tumor. ...
Rudolph the Semi-Decapitated Reindeer
Yesterday, my husband suggested that instead of driving to the nearest
Redbox to return a movie that we had watched on New Year’s Eve (we are
super big par...
Happy Halloween!
Well hello there! Where have we been the past seven months? I am back to
fill you all in on our crazy lives but first let's get to Halloween!