As I pondered rather or not to post this post {you see my Mom doesn't read blogs} I was reminded that this is our journal, as a family, why wouldn't I post my feelings? So here it is:
On this Mother's Day,I am not only reminded of the special bond we have but of the sacrificing you gave for your children {all 3 of us}. I know that I am speaking for all of us when I write this. You unselfishly raised your children all alone after the untimely loss of Dad. We may not have had the fancier things in life, we may not have had the car at age 16, or the college education paid for, but we had your love. I went into the Navy to get my college education; how easy was that? I got to serve my country and in return received the financial support to get my education. However, I always had your love to return to.
As the years pass by, I am deeply touched by your ability to give to everyone else before giving to yourself. You have the ability to make those around you feel as if they are your own. Children flock to you. Friends cling to you. You are so amazing to your grandchildren; they adore you. I adore you. Thank you for being who you are. Your unselfish love means more to mean than any of the material stuff. Thank you.
Happy Mother's Day, Mom.
Love Always,
Your Daughter-Vivian