Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Photo shoot

Ashleigh loves to pose for the camera. She tells me Mommy get the camera, take pictures. So, I proceed. I love how she does all the posing and all I have to do is click. She is such a ham for the camera, and always has been. This is probably because I have always had the camera close by, never going long with out capturing her on photo. I know she will appreciate the photos when she gets older, shoot she already does! She tells me "Mommy, can you please print that one?" LOL. So, here are a few that I took spontaneously the other day.

Ashleigh's Room Re-Design

So, here it is: Ashleigh's room, isn't it cute? I just love the flooring.

Old room {Above}
New Room

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Update for January with pictures

Hi there!

I thought I would give an update on the Hicks' household. We had a very low key month in January. The only thing we did was take a small trip to WPB to see our friends. I started school back up, so this is taking up most of my free time; hence not posting on here. Ashleigh & I worked on some of the art projects that her Grammy & Papa had gotten her for Christmas {Thank you, Grammy & Papa}. Ashleigh also played a lot with her new guitar {she got from Grammy & Papa for her bday}. You will see some of the pics posted. One of the most exciting things was recieving in the mail, Ashleigh's pottery that she made with her Grammy in December. They are so precious. What a wonderful momento to treasure! {Thank you Grammy for the beautiful bowl, I LOVE it}. Oh, and we signed Ashleigh up for soccer which will start in March. We can't wait for this new journey. More to come on this.

So far in Febuarary, we celebrated Brian's birthday on the 4th. Ashleigh suggested making cupcakes for Daddy, so that we did. Since carrot cake is his favorite, we made carrot cake cupcakes and Ashleigh & I decorated them. We decorated the house and had dinner prepared for him {including a glass of wine} when he got home that day from work. He had a wonderful birthday and we enjoyed celebrating with him!

Happy 49th Babe, we love you so much and are very lucky to have you!

Another thing happening this month....we are redoing Ashleigh's room. YES, again! However, this time it is a theme that will stick with her for a while {atleast we hope}. It is PotteryBarn Kids theme "Daisy Garden". It is so precious and I can't wait to have it completed. Oh, and we had the carpet taken out and wood floors put in. Oh, how I am so happy about this. Her carpet was full of stains and looked hideous.

Brian got me a new camera for Christmas and I am really enjoying the good quality pictures that it takes.

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