Sunday, March 28, 2010

Long Update-March

First of all, I would like to apologize for my lack of posting, lately. I hope this long post with pictures makes up for it. :-).

In Feb we also had one of my cousins daughter, Chantel (she was in our wedding) come visit us from Texas to check out colleges in the area. We took her to University of Florida. Ashleigh really enjoyed the swamp & meeting Bull Gator. She told us she wanted to be a Gator Cheerleader. :-). She insisted on Mommy taking a bunch of pictures of her in the Gator stadium. Mid March, Ashleigh & I got to see my dear friend from high school. She and her family came to visit & go to Disney. End of March {27th} Brian participated in a local 5k (St.Mary Magdalene) and received 2nd place for his age group(40-49). Also, Ashleigh participated in her first race. Yes, she ran a total of 100 meters. Brian and I are so proud of her effort; she did great! By the way, the race was called the "mini K," and it was mainly for fun.
Also, the end of the month Ashleigh received a much needed haircut. She is liking the lighter weight.

Thank you Grammy & Papa and NaNaw for the Easter goodies! Ashleigh especially loved the crafts for the eggs & cupcakes.

Ashleigh has been attending her soccer practices and is learning the basic skills. She is deffintely getting good excercise; she goes to bed earlier on the day of her practices. Mommy loves this!

She is patiently awaiting the chance to swim. Although, the water was 76 degrees today, she got in for a few minutes until she started to get a bit chilly. We deffinetly like the water to be a little warmer. Haha.

In school, Ashleigh is doing great! Working really hard at learning her alphabet, upper/lower cases,sounds each letter makes & numbers. In addition to all of this, she constantly wants to know how to spell different words/names. She continues to have a great love for drawing & arts and crafts. This last week she had her first bus ride (field trip) to Publix. She and all of her school friends thourougly enjoyed themselves. I was fortunate enough to be a chaperone along with 4 other parents. She also participated in her first field day. She enjoyed shooting hoops the best! :-). I was shocked to see her great coordination at dribbling the ball.

Sorry if this post is a little mis-organized. I am in the middle of doing some school work, but did not want to take any longer on posting.

Hope you all are well!

Enjoy all the pictures!

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